A great offer and a brilliant discount is everyone’s favorite! You can now just relax and get all the best deals, offers and discounts in just one click. Try us now and enjoy. It includes online, offline and exclusive offers with TRP3
Know your Clients
Get to know who your regular clients are and who are the ones who require your services immediately. And without further ado you can try to catch up with your clients in just few minutes.
We give you the best solutions for your business expansions and the true way of knowing your grounds. Have the best business solutions right in your hand with just one touch.
Reach fast and Most
It is very easy to reach out the clientele the fastest and in a huge number now. In the world of competition, you would need to be on toes and with TRP3 you can do just that.
Grow your business
One should always know the best way to keep up with the market demands. With TRP3 it is very simple to have all your best prospects in front of in just one click.
TRP3 Green
TRP3 is completely on a ‘Save Earth’ Mission. We help you cut down your paper expenditure and paper buy. No fussy pamphlets filled your mailbox, post boxes / newspapers. Reduces dependency on big hoardings or advertisements in newspaper. No distracting noisy advertisements and wastage of electricity for fancy LED hoardings
Smart Way
A smart way to have all the advertisements of your interests in a well-planned and well displayed manner. In a way, where you cannot have any misses of your favorite event or an offer. With just one click you can have all your data on your screen. TRP3 is self-organized and cleans up on its own. You book mark your advertisements or add your favorites
No Misses
Have an event, need to visit an exhibition or do you have any shopping plans nearby? With TRP3 make and plan your visits anytime and always go for it without a miss or a last-minute rush.